Noah’s Ark

As soon as I returned to my home country from the US, I went to Indonesia to do outreach with my team for 12 days and 10 nights. Our mission was ‘Connect’, and we planned to paint a mural which was Noah’s Ark for their ‘Technical school for the visually impaired’ in Kupang in West Timor. 

So I picked Yellow and Pink as main colors that were not similar to the sky and nature, and made the doors and windows became a part of the ark. 

Total four days, our team were well mingle with local people of Kupang, and successfully finished the mural! I was so glad to help the blind people with my ideas. Even though they couldn’t see anything, I was sure that they felt the warmth. 

It was a great opportunity and experience of my work life, and worth more than any of expensive clients’ assignments. We couldn’t been happier to see their smiley faces about the mural! #firstthingsfirst

 Everyone in front of the Mural! Korea and Indonesia became one! 
Everyone in front of the Mural! Korea and Indonesia became one! 

 Finished Mural! 
Finished Mural! 
 At first, the school was ugly green. The primary colors were painted!
At first, the school was ugly green. The primary colors were painted!
 WIP front view. 
WIP front view. 
 Finished front view.
Finished front view.

 Finally finished! 
Finally finished! 
 Idea sketch 
Idea sketch